Monday, July 9, 2012

An Art Prompt Generator, An Almond Croissant

Cool! This lo-fi page will generate ideas for you to draw upon
(heh heh...get it...? Drawww upon. Heh.)

I suggest changing the 'difficulty' to "Elaborate". Even if you don't use what you're given, the results can be pretty amusing.
Some examples:

-  Create a portrait of someone who is not an android. Use a minimalist style.
-  Create a realistic portrait of a cartoon character. Prompt: the owl from the steeple sing.
-  This is a portrait of a knight. Portray something translucent or transparent, like glass or water.
-  Try to evoke the quality of worry using only dark colors. Theme: self-gratification.
-  Using secondary colors, create a picture of a cold and deadly courtesan in the ruined parts of a city. Theme: a sound like thunder.

Whoo! That last one is a doozey.

This has nothing to do with anything, except it was delicious and easy. Trader Joe's sells almond and chocolate croissants in their freezer section. You proof them (let them rise) at room temperature overnight and they literally quadruple in size. Bake them for 20 minutes, slap'em on a pretty plate and cue the French accordion music. Trader Joe's, you are my little gentleman.

Before baking the monstrous dough-babies

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sometimes I draw things

This is how I usually work:
Step 1: Have awesome idea. Plan out idea and all tangential ideas that spawn from initial idea until adrenaline runs it's course and I need a nap.
Step 2: Procrastinate.
Step 3: Procrastinate.
Step 4: "Hey...what was that thing I was gonna work on? Oh! Cool idea #4,563! I have notes on that...somewhere....Hmmm. Ooooh...wait. I should really hem that dress...While my sewing machine is out...I should probably...."
Step 5: See Step 1.
Step 6: Procrastinate.
Step 7: Ferocious flurry of dedicated action and focus lasting a few days' time, during which I actually produce something I'm proud to say I've done.

In a past life, I wanted to draw pretty pictures for a living. I got distracted by life-in-general and never really forced myself to make it work, though. I'm totally o.k. with choosing the path I went down, but every now and then, the spark to draw is pretty irresistible and I can completely disappear into my my head and my hands to make something happen.

This is a work in progress, but I like it so far. I'm hoping to use it and some other drawings on a project I'm working on with a dear friend.

Yay, making stuff!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

It just got REAL(er)

Yesterday, I had my first real photo shoot. Though I have been taking pictures for as long as I knew what a camera even was, for the most part it’s remained a joyful hobby.

A few weeks ago, my good friend Sean asked me if I’d do a shoot with his new band, Condesa (a super cool, Latin flavored folk trio). I still had stars in my eyes from taking a passel of photography classes via CreativeLIVE, and was also still basking in the afterglow of realizing I actually knew how to use my camera in Manual. So when he told me he wanted me to take their photos, I was ALL ABOUT IT. Uber-confident. Yes! I can do that! I am building my portfolio, says I! See 
you in June!

Cut to yesterday.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. It’s raining. What am I going to have them do? I can’t talk to people.(Google “band photo shoot ideas” whilst driving. Jot ideas down on already used sticky note attached to steering wheel at every blessed red light during the 10 minute drive to Sean’s) Please stop raining. Is the cemetery weird? Too dark? Too stony? What if I’m not funny? I should have worn pants.

In short. I was FREAKING out. This wasn’t the fly-on-the wall, blessed by serendipity, documentary style photography stuff I was used to (and love). These were clients. Who needed things. From ME.

It was a challenge, but I had wonderful friends as guinea-pigs clients. During the hour and a half we spent traipsing around a soggy Cedar Hill Cemetery, chasing light, I learned a lot

So, after a subsequent evening of studiously ignoring my camera, some “WTF am I doing?” tears this morning and some serious self-rallying, I decided I should officially document my development as a photographer. That way, I can look back and chuckle over my growing pains when I’m clinking champagne glasses at my studio’s silver anniversary.

Lessons learned:

  1. I need more practice.  
  2. I should be more MacGuyver-y. Now that I’ve learned all the rules, I need to be ok with breaking some.
  3. Scope out your location ahead of time. Know where the light is going to be, and when.
  4. Brainstorm ideas for your shoot. Make sketches even. Have a shot list.
  5. Plan and gather props well beforehand. Not duringhand.
  6. Don’t be afraid to bump ISO up.
  7. Bump up shutter speed. You do not have the hands of a surgeon. Shaky shaky.
  8. Learn how to better direct people effectively. And don’t be afraid to be direct.
  9. Set a hard time for when you will start shooting. Punctuality (your clients’ and yours) is important when you’re dealing with natural light.
  10. Bring support if you can. Sean’s sweet and patient brother Mike came along and was my ROCK. As well as reflector holder, lens exchanger, chatter provider and 80s pop song accompanist while we drove off-road amongst the dearly departed.
  11. I don’t want to do graphic design. (WARNING: Tangent!) I kind of knew this already...but last week, I pitched to a local church who needs some promotional materials for their Fall chamber music series. It’s occupied so much of my mental space in the past two weeks that I haven’t had enough time to think about what really matters to me. So what if it’s a fast buck? I hate doing it. It gives me acid reflux. It’s not my heart. Sue Bryce, a photographer hero whom I admire very much, says she transformed her business when she stopped doing the kind of work she didn’t want to do. So, once I finish these brochure mock-ups...Peace out.
  12. I need more practice.

Henceforward, I’m giving myself weekly photography assignments. This week, I vow to take pictures everyday, no matter what.

I’ve waded in. My shoulders are underwater. Time to swim.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mr. Beckham, I presume?

You know...I was never really into David Beckham. But now I realize he's got grizzle and forehead wrinkles, and tattoos peeking out of his dress-up clothes. Oh yeah...and sometimes, he's holding a baby.

Check out some slides of Senor Beckham from gofugyourself: Ole!

I'll never stop loving boys with sleeve tattoos. NEVERRRRR!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

25 Ways to Tie a Scarf: Video Tutorial

This was so much fun to watch! And I learned a few new things too. My favorites are The Magic Trick, The Braid and the Key Tie. I've gotta go practice!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strawberry Hair Rollers

I Just got some of these in the mail. I really do feel exactly like this girl.

 Tonight I will have strawberry sponge head. Tomorrow, luscious, exciting happiness curls.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My friend Maia

I post mostly fun and frippery things here. It's fun! I adore being a girl, and I love sharing all the things that give me little tremors of joy from day to day.Once in a while though, I see something or learn about someone so simply beautiful it absolutely stills me.

Hoping this causes a little tremor for you.

♥, Mo

My friend Maia from julia warr on Vimeo.

p.s. don't forget to share it with someone lovely to you!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Corset Haul

My friends, a confession:
Whenever I should be saving for things that I need…Like...a camera, a new car, art supplies, a new computer…
Whenever I specifically vow not to buy frivolous things (things that, by the way, make me utterly, squeal-ably happy)…
Whenever I promise that I will be a good little girl and eat ramen everday and save my pennies because I need to buy some sensible, future thing…Well.....My word is not always so bond. 

Though I haven’t been officially diagnosed, I’m quite convinced that I have a feral, money-squandering alter ego, who often manages to have her way with me. And my Paypal account. I call her Veruca. She wants it. Whatever it is. Now.

So, after a grueling battle between my wallet’s conscience and a Veruca-led phalanx of corseted mercenaries consisting of the collective female casts Downton Abbey, The Duchess, Moulin Rouge and Marie Antoinette…I bought something. Some…things. Actually. 


Hey you.

Well, hi.

After a morally exhausting ten business days, I received these in the mail, from Corset Story, all the way from the UK! They are luscious, frilly, perfect little pieces of finery that were well worth the money and the short wait. 

Corset Story is so much fun. From daily to dress-up…this shop has many beautiful under-things in every price range—and everything is sort of on sale right now. Buy 3 for 2 on most items, deep discounts on promotional items, and a well-stocked sale section. Check it out! Buy yourself a little something something. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

eBay finds: Corsets

Corsets. I love them. They are fancy and make you stand up very straight and are like a delicious little secret you giggle to yourself about ALL DAY LONG. 

I've been watching Downton Abbey…again…and when I saw this one on Mary, I screamed very loud. In my head. (I had company.)

So…I started scouring the internets for Edwardian costume-y stuff…and inevitably ended up on a vintage window-shopping tear on eBay. If you are persistent and patient, and can justify spending a small wad of money on antique clothing that you might never model outside your boudoir…you can find some pretty cool stuff. Like this:

Vintage, Antique Ladies Silk Corset/Girdle

Antique 1910's JCC Underbust Corset w/Lace, Garter Buckles 

Antique Unworn Underbust, Waist Cincher Corset,Insertion Lace, Steel c. 1905 

White Bon Ton Model 881Working Woman's LonglineCorset Busk Closure c. 1905

Neat, huh? eBay vintage fashion is a serious time-sink of mine...You can find garments in varying quality from the Victorian age (pre-1901! ) well into the 1990s. But who cares about the 90s...that just happened. Why is the 90s vintage already? Jeez. 

Have fun. Don't bid on the first one. I got dibs!