Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sometimes I draw things

This is how I usually work:
Step 1: Have awesome idea. Plan out idea and all tangential ideas that spawn from initial idea until adrenaline runs it's course and I need a nap.
Step 2: Procrastinate.
Step 3: Procrastinate.
Step 4: "Hey...what was that thing I was gonna work on? Oh! Cool idea #4,563! I have notes on that...somewhere....Hmmm. Ooooh...wait. I should really hem that dress...While my sewing machine is out...I should probably...."
Step 5: See Step 1.
Step 6: Procrastinate.
Step 7: Ferocious flurry of dedicated action and focus lasting a few days' time, during which I actually produce something I'm proud to say I've done.

In a past life, I wanted to draw pretty pictures for a living. I got distracted by life-in-general and never really forced myself to make it work, though. I'm totally o.k. with choosing the path I went down, but every now and then, the spark to draw is pretty irresistible and I can completely disappear into my my head and my hands to make something happen.

This is a work in progress, but I like it so far. I'm hoping to use it and some other drawings on a project I'm working on with a dear friend.

Yay, making stuff!!