Monday, July 9, 2012

An Art Prompt Generator, An Almond Croissant

Cool! This lo-fi page will generate ideas for you to draw upon
(heh heh...get it...? Drawww upon. Heh.)

I suggest changing the 'difficulty' to "Elaborate". Even if you don't use what you're given, the results can be pretty amusing.
Some examples:

-  Create a portrait of someone who is not an android. Use a minimalist style.
-  Create a realistic portrait of a cartoon character. Prompt: the owl from the steeple sing.
-  This is a portrait of a knight. Portray something translucent or transparent, like glass or water.
-  Try to evoke the quality of worry using only dark colors. Theme: self-gratification.
-  Using secondary colors, create a picture of a cold and deadly courtesan in the ruined parts of a city. Theme: a sound like thunder.

Whoo! That last one is a doozey.

This has nothing to do with anything, except it was delicious and easy. Trader Joe's sells almond and chocolate croissants in their freezer section. You proof them (let them rise) at room temperature overnight and they literally quadruple in size. Bake them for 20 minutes, slap'em on a pretty plate and cue the French accordion music. Trader Joe's, you are my little gentleman.

Before baking the monstrous dough-babies

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