Friday, January 20, 2012

Corset Haul

My friends, a confession:
Whenever I should be saving for things that I need…Like...a camera, a new car, art supplies, a new computer…
Whenever I specifically vow not to buy frivolous things (things that, by the way, make me utterly, squeal-ably happy)…
Whenever I promise that I will be a good little girl and eat ramen everday and save my pennies because I need to buy some sensible, future thing…Well.....My word is not always so bond. 

Though I haven’t been officially diagnosed, I’m quite convinced that I have a feral, money-squandering alter ego, who often manages to have her way with me. And my Paypal account. I call her Veruca. She wants it. Whatever it is. Now.

So, after a grueling battle between my wallet’s conscience and a Veruca-led phalanx of corseted mercenaries consisting of the collective female casts Downton Abbey, The Duchess, Moulin Rouge and Marie Antoinette…I bought something. Some…things. Actually. 


Hey you.

Well, hi.

After a morally exhausting ten business days, I received these in the mail, from Corset Story, all the way from the UK! They are luscious, frilly, perfect little pieces of finery that were well worth the money and the short wait. 

Corset Story is so much fun. From daily to dress-up…this shop has many beautiful under-things in every price range—and everything is sort of on sale right now. Buy 3 for 2 on most items, deep discounts on promotional items, and a well-stocked sale section. Check it out! Buy yourself a little something something.