Saturday, December 17, 2011

Vintage style Stockings

I finished the last season of Mad Men available on Netflix not too long ago, and I am lately (and appropriately) obsessed with New Look and early Sixties fashion.

Those of you who've watched the show know that there are more than a few strategically placed shots of what was happening underneath all those smart and sassy dresses. Girdles with fine stitching and stays. Garter belts...and stockings. 

I've always liked stockings. Old fashioned, well-crafted, super femme and dead sexy. They're hard to find and hard to afford in this day in age. Sure, you could make do with the normal, run-o-the-mill elastic bound, cheapo thigh high from Target, but let's be honest. For many of us, donning these "one size fits 6-foot-tall model" hose can make a perfectly luscious thigh look like a water balloon cinched in a lacey rubber-band tourniquet. Uncomfortable. Also...not pretty.

Enter The Internets and hours of diligent searching for a solution to the predicament of many a middle-income vintage lingerie lover. An affordable, well-made, garter stocking does exist. Your welcome.

It's tiny so it's work safe. I hope.

I bought two pair of these garter style stockings from Dollhouse Bettie--One pair in black and one in nude. At $7.50 a pop, they are well worth the penny. The fit is superb, and with gentle care, I'm sure they will outlast any over-the-counter hosiery I have in my sock drawer. Dollhouse Bettie also features a very nice line of vintage style lingerie and an array of old-fashioned stockings. Check it check it out!