Monday, September 12, 2011

Merlitones. God help me.

I was very fortunate to have the chance to go to Spain last month for the wedding of some dear friends of mine. While there, my dashing ex-roommate, David was the perfect tour guide, escorting us to Toledo, Segovia, Ourense, and Baiona--Truly, some of the most beautiful places I have seen in my young (eh hem) life. Thank you, David!

There was a little bakery on the edge of this plaza in Segovia called Pasteleria Limon y Menta. Along with a lovely tuna & tomato filled pastry thing, I bought a little, yellow, buttery muffin creature that weighed about a pound. I should have bought 30. I died that day. When I took a bite out of that muffin, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and an explosion of sugar-butter goodness exploded in my mouth and killed me.

These humble looking little treasures are called Merlitones. The pic above is from a bakery in Madrid called La Duquesita which apparently specializes in them. I did not have a chance to go there before it was time to leave Spain, and the decision will haunt me forever. If I don't find a recipe or a local joint that makes these lovelies...God. Help. Me.

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