Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ruche Kimono Dress

What's that sound? That is the sound of my screaming, still echoing through the night, as I first laid my eyes on this adorable piece from Ruche.

Ruche has a really wonderful, Anthropologie-esque collection, for about a third of the price. Hope it's payday, because you're going to want to buy yourself a present...Just sayin.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lavender lemonade

This is a pic from an old post from the lovely Sunday Suppers blog. I saw it and shattered my office windows with a banshee scream.

check out the recipe for Lavender Lemonade

I want that dress! I want those drinks! All of 'em!

Gary Cooper, 1928

Just discovered this picture and my stomach went all knotty.
Oh my god. What a looker.

Image via The Sartorialist
You can see this and more gorgeous photography by Edward Steichen at the Danziger Gallery in NYC.

Vertigo inducing stripes crash Target site

This stuff is what crashed Target's website for hours?

It looks to me like a rainbow had a bad acid trip, ate an entire box of tainted salt water taffy and vomited on most of these goods.
Some items in the Missoni for Target collection are already sold out. Maybe this is some elaborate marketing gimmick to generate implied value for the brand? Are there projections that these items will be collectors items? I don't get it.

Missoni for Target = Yucko.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For only 5k...

I saw this ring and squealed. It's from Erstwhile Jewelry Co. They have a really lovely collection of shiny things.

For the same low price of 5k...This super cute 1964 Austin Healey convertible. (That's actually just the starting bid, and there are only 8 days left to the auction...better hurry!)

Sigh. Must I choose?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Merlitones. God help me.

I was very fortunate to have the chance to go to Spain last month for the wedding of some dear friends of mine. While there, my dashing ex-roommate, David was the perfect tour guide, escorting us to Toledo, Segovia, Ourense, and Baiona--Truly, some of the most beautiful places I have seen in my young (eh hem) life. Thank you, David!

There was a little bakery on the edge of this plaza in Segovia called Pasteleria Limon y Menta. Along with a lovely tuna & tomato filled pastry thing, I bought a little, yellow, buttery muffin creature that weighed about a pound. I should have bought 30. I died that day. When I took a bite out of that muffin, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and an explosion of sugar-butter goodness exploded in my mouth and killed me.

These humble looking little treasures are called Merlitones. The pic above is from a bakery in Madrid called La Duquesita which apparently specializes in them. I did not have a chance to go there before it was time to leave Spain, and the decision will haunt me forever. If I don't find a recipe or a local joint that makes these lovelies...God. Help. Me.

Miette cookbook

This cookbook from a bakery called Miette has scalloped edges.