Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mr. Beckham, I presume?

You know...I was never really into David Beckham. But now I realize he's got grizzle and forehead wrinkles, and tattoos peeking out of his dress-up clothes. Oh yeah...and sometimes, he's holding a baby.

Check out some slides of Senor Beckham from gofugyourself: Ole!

I'll never stop loving boys with sleeve tattoos. NEVERRRRR!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

25 Ways to Tie a Scarf: Video Tutorial

This was so much fun to watch! And I learned a few new things too. My favorites are The Magic Trick, The Braid and the Key Tie. I've gotta go practice!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strawberry Hair Rollers

I Just got some of these in the mail. I really do feel exactly like this girl.

 Tonight I will have strawberry sponge head. Tomorrow, luscious, exciting happiness curls.